Friday, April 17, 2009

Baluarte de San Diego

For April,May and June

Within this fortification is the oldest stone fort in Manila, the Nuestra SeƱora de Guia. A round tower encompassing the defense of land and sea, it was of poor quality and soon fell in disrepair. A new Baluarte de San Diego was constructed in the 17th century, shaped like an ace of spades. Breached
during the 1762 British invasion and destroyed during World War II. San Diego was restored during the 1980's following the archeological excavation of Fort Nstra. Sra. de Guia in 1979. Both are major tourist attractions in Intramuros.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Revellin and Puerta de Parian : For January,February and March


One of the three main openings of the original 16th century fortifications, it was the official gate of the governor-general after the British occupation. It was named after the Parian de Arroceros, one of the earliest concentrations of Chinese merchants near Intramuros.



This is an outwork meant to defend the main gate itself. The top of the revellin had cannons aimed at the Chinese living accross the moat. Archeological excavations at the site yielded artifacts from the 17th century to the Japanese Occupation. Mass graveyards were uncovered; finger bones clutched an unexploded grenade or clung to a rusty bayonet.